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The performance of your drainage system reduces over time, depending on soil type and/or soil structure.

A good example of why keeping drainage systems clean is essential is ferrous soils. These soils always release a certain amount of iron that eventually block the pores of your drainage pipe.

With a Homburg drainage cleaner, this problem is easily remedied by cleaning your pipes during a period of high groundwater levels. During this high groundwater level, the iron and/or soil particles in the drainage pipe are softened and soft, making them easier to wash away.

It is also important to know that ⅓ of the water runoff enters the system through the top half of a drainage pipe, and as much as ⅔ of the water runoff enters the system through the bottom half of the pipe. That’s more than half! If you don’t clean your drainage system, dirt will eventually settle into the drainage pipes by gravity. In this way, the main water access route will be completely blocked over time.

No, this is only when using too high a pressure and too slow an input speed.

Previously, pressure washers with 100-bar pump pressure were used to clean drainage systems. These high-pressure cleaners turned out to be very ineffective. High pressure on the nozzle requires the hose to be drawn into the drain. Because of the pulsating pressure of the pump, the head remains in the same location for several (milli)seconds, disturbing the drainage system and pores in the surrounding soil. These pores surrounding the drainage tubes partially provide natural water drainage.

It is therefore important to keep the soil around the drainage pipes intact! Homburg Draincleaners are safe because they use a low pump pressure of only 35 bar. This equates to a water pressure of 10 to 15 bar in the nozzle. Therefore, when one cleans the drainage with a Homburg Draincleaner, the structure of the soil is not affected.

With a Draincleaner using low water pressure.

When cleaning drainage systems with pressure washers, the structure of the soil around the drainage pipes is affected (see also: Will the soil be affected when I clean my drainage?). Homburg Draincleaners are safe because they use a low water pressure of only 10 to 15 bar. The extremely strong HPE hose is pushed into the drain (up to a maximum of 700 metres), with the specially developed nozzle flushing the drain and discharging the dirt.

Homburg recommends using low pressure.

First of all, it is important to know that pressure and the amount of water are always in relation to each other. Too high a pressure results in possible damage to the drainage pipes and the natural permeable pores in the soil around the drainage pipe.

Homburg recommends a pressure of 35 bar on the pump.Depending on the hose length, this results in a pressure between 10 and 15 bar at the nozzle and the volume is between 70 and 90 litres per minute. This is sufficient to achieve proper cleaning.

This depends on the type of soil.

The nozzle required varies and depends on the type of soil. It is important not to disturb the natural drainage action around the drainpipe. In fine sandy soils one has to flush with lower pressure than on (heavy) clay soils, we therefore recommend soil type-dependent flushing nozzles.

Wondering which nozzle fits your soil type? Contact one of our product specialists.

For drainage maintenance in agriculture/horticulture and large green spaces such as sports fields and golf courses, we recommend drainage cleaners that fall under the category of low-pressure machines. This is to avoid damaging the natural soil structure around the drainage pipes. Homburg drainage cleaners meet these criteria. This means a water pressure of 10 to 15 bar.

Cleaning drainage pipes depends on the following factors:

  • Weather conditions
  • Soil type
  • soil structure
  • Type of drainage pipe
  • Diameter of the drainage pipe
  • Condition of the drainage pipe
  • Accuracy of the drainage pipe’s placement in the ground

Below is a guideline that should be carried out in or after a wet period with a lot of rain, preferably in the fall:

  1. Locate a drainage pipe at the side of the ditch.
  2. Collect the water in a measuring cup.
  3. Measure how many seconds (T) it takes until a liter has flowed out.
  4. Fill in the following formula:

Drainage flow formula

With the following parameters:

  • L = Length of the drainage pipe (meters)
  • A = Distance between drainage pipes (meters)
  • T = Measured time (seconds)
  • M = Amount of water drained (millimeters) per day


For grassland, maize land and arable land, M(the number of millimetres drained per 24-hour period) should be 7mm (note that this applies to unidirectional drainage pipes). If this is less than 7mm, the correct location of the drainage tube must first be checked. If so, the drainage tube must be cleaned.

Do this calculation for different drainage pipes in the piece of land, to determine an average.

It earned the recommendation to clean the drainage pipes in a wet period when the drainage pipes themselves drain water. For in-depth agricultural knowledge and advice regarding the use and maintenance of drainage tubes, please consult the relevant authorities and/or literature.

By keeping the drainage well clear of obstacles and/or vegetation.

By preventively looking for end pipes annually and making them free of vegetation and/or obstacles, you will have proper control of drainage systems and be able to locate them quickly during the rest of the growing season.

A Homburg Draincleaner can reach speeds of 35 metres per minute under ideal conditions.

The fastest way to clean your drainage is through preventive checks and, in case of any contamination, clean it with a Homburg drainage cleaner. Here, a speed of 35 metres per minute is achievable, however, this is under ideal conditions. Heavily fouled drainage systems take an unspecified amount of time.

What solutions exist for problems with my drainage?

Of importance is to know what the actual problem is, some examples:

  • Mistakes were made during the construction of the drainage system
  • Drainage system has subsided, causing obstruction in the pipe
  • Dirt or soil particles cause poor drainage of excess water
  • A so-called ”plough sole” retains water in the building stock
  • Drainage system disturbed by mechanical soil tillage

A Homburg drainage cleaner is a possible solution to all these problems, or access to the possible answer to your problem.

When is the best time to clean my drainage?

The time of flushing determines the chance of effective success and the associated discharge of the loose flushed material. The greatest chance of success is during a period when the groundwater level is high and the drain itself drains water. As a result, the material in the drain is soft and flows away more easily during cleaning.

  • Quality machine due to the use of high-quality materials.
  • Extremely sturdy HPE hose reel for extended lifespan.
  • Homburg 2 or 4 wheel drive offers ultimate grip and is more wear-resistant.
  • Optimal cleaning with low water pressure of only 10 to 12 bar at the spray head.
  • Using a Homburg Drain Cleaner does not damage the drainage system.
  • Specific spray heads provide a technical solution for every type of soil and situation.
  • The system cleans without affecting the soil structure or the drain.
  • Compact construction and renewed design.
  • With the choice of 3 types, there is a suitable Draincleaner for every situation.


HARDI has 3 washing programs.

  1. BoomFlush flushes the spray lines in about 1 minute. BoomFlush is used when spraying is interrupted, e.g. during rain.
  2. FastFlush is a quick basic cleaning that takes about 2 minutes. It is used during a scheduled stop, when the same pesticide is used on the same crop the next day.
  3. MutiRinse is the extended cleaning and takes about 10 minutes. MultiRinse is applied when there is a small change in pesticide or crop or when the next spray job is done with a similar pesticide/crop combination.
No, the nozzle determines the droplet size.
Yes, in dense crops, you need to use more pressure and thus blow more air into the crop.
You need to set the air slightly forward. So, the nozzle points straight down, and the air blows slightly forward.
Yes, there is a multi-nozzle holder on the boom of the field sprayer, allowing you to use at least 3 different nozzles.
Yes, definitely. For example, in weed control in onions, you want to spray alongside the plant with coarser droplets.
No, with a HARDI TWIN FORCE, you may spray 50 cm above the crop.
No, you can also spray with a 50 cm nozzle distance.
Yes, with Active Slant with height sensors and an active gyroscope, boom height control is possible.
No, HARDI has been using a grease-lubricated pump for years. This extends the lifespan, and there is never a chemical reaction with oil possible. Suppose a diaphragm tears or leaks, there is not an immediate problem due to a possible chemical reaction. Of course, it is advisable to perform the repair after the spraying job.


Substances sensitive to pH levels include:

Name substance Stability Take
Cantrac Stable at pH 5-6
Spotlight Stable at pH 5-6 5,5
Betanel Stable at pH 5-6
Captan Stable at pH 5-6
Ethrel Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Kenbyo FL Stable at pH 5-7
Curzate M Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Puma Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Lentagran Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Rocket EC Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Floramite Stable at pH 5-6
Topik 240 EC Stable at pH 5-7 5,5
Tatto C Stable at pH 5-6 5,5
Focus Plus Stable at pH 4-6 5,5
Category German hardness Totale hardness
Relative low hardness 4 – 12 ˚D 0.7 – 2.1 mmol/l
Fairly hard water 12 – 18 ˚D 2.1 – 3.2 mmol/l
Hard water 18 – 30 ˚D 3.2 – 5.3 mmol/l

  • At pH 4.5 – 6.0: the most optimal acidity for most substances, allowing them to remain in the tank for 12 – 24 hours.
  • At pH 6.1 – 7.0: the acidity is good for immediate application. Do not let the tank solution stand for more than 1 – 3 hours due to degradation.
  • At pH above 7.0>: lower the pH to optimize the effectiveness of crop protection/fertilization.

With WaterXTR™, you can sustainably and practically optimize the pH value of water to a pH of 5-7 through CO2 injection. A pH value of 5-6 is recommended for most substances.


The European crop protection industry aims to make closed transfer systems (CTS) available throughout Europe by 2030. In 2023, there will be a switch from the regular to the Easyconnect cap on containers, and in 2024, the mandatory use of CTS for the Czech Republic and the Netherlands will be introduced, followed by other European countries in 2025.

The use of CTS systems is not optional but enforced by strict European regulations. The crop protection industry aims to prevent the user from coming into contact with chemical crop protection products and at the same time reduce farm emissions.

A container can be emptied in various ways.
The Accurite CTS works by vacuuming the container because it poses the least risks. Additionally, the system ensures that the container cannot be collapsed. And importantly, it’s fast!

NEN-ISO 21191 specifies operator and environmental safety requirements and the method of verification for the design and construction of closed transfer systems (CTS) for liquid formulations of crop protection products (CPP) in containers from 1 l to 20 l.

  • Maximum residue in an empty container<: 0.01%
  • Maximum residue in CTS after rinsing:< 1 ML
  • Dosing precision must be better than 2.5% of the smallest container volume.
  • Residual residue on coupling after decoupling:< 250 µl


Yes, keep up to date by visiting this page!

  • Webinars from Ag Leader and SmartSOLUTIONS for dealers and customers, user training for HARDI field sprayers and Tempo seed drills.
  • Technician training for HARDI, Garford, Stanhay, Bogballe, Ag Leader, and Väderstad.
  • Sales training for all brands.
  • One-on-one guidance for new representatives.
  • Commissioning of machines.
  • Information meetings, which can be organized at a dealer or online.
  • Demonstrations combined with practical training of the machine.

Purchasing and using a machine is just the beginning for a customer. Explanation, knowledge, and guidance are very important. By sharing our knowledge with the user, the customer can better deploy the machine, recognize situations, and achieve the highest return from the machine. The Homburg Academy organizes free annual training in various areas and for different brands, keeping customers and dealers’ knowledge up to date.

By gaining free knowledge, users can benefit. The machine will work better because the user knows and can use the machine better. Small problems or malfunctions can be solved by the customer themselves because they can recognize signals from the machine.

For dealer technicians, the training is indispensable to keep up with all the technical developments of the machines. They also practice various malfunctions annually and refresh their knowledge.

User training usually takes place in Stiens or at a dealer’s workshop. This also applies to technical technician training.
Every three years, we organize large-scale training days at Aeres Tech in Ede.

We try to organize a TWIN user day in the field so that we can combine theory with practice.

We also provide various webinars in different languages annually for dealers of SmartSOLUTIONS, keeping them up to date in Australia, the USA, and Germany. Occasionally, public webinars are also given, for example, to talk more about legislation regarding spraying technique and nozzles. These online meetings are informative and accessible to everyone.

No, no diploma or certificate is issued.

Not always. Technical and sales training sessions are closed sessions that require registration.

However, when we organize webinars for information, everyone is welcome. One can log in for the webinar without registering. Check here for scheduled training.

Technical training is given by our service technicians, supplemented by product specialists.

Sales training is provided by Homburg’s product specialists.

Work visits to Homburg are regularly organized by secondary schools. We have welcomed many students from agricultural and technical education programs. Homburg also provides guest lectures at schools or for study clubs, given by one of the product specialists, the director, or the marketing manager. No charges are made for such work visits or guest lectures as we like to share our knowledge with interested parties.