Mechanical weed control

Why mechanical weed control?

Meanwhile, in modern agriculture and garden maintenance, mechanical weed control is a major factor. While chemical methods are often used to control unwanted plants or weeds, mechanical weed control is gaining popularity as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative.

Mechanical weed control is the use of physical methods to remove or control weeds. These methods include weeding by hoeing, ploughing and the use of specially designed machines that pull or cut weeds out of the ground.

Gewasverzorging - Homburg

Advantages of mechanical weed control

  • One of the main advantages of mechanical weed control is that it does not use chemical herbicides. This is better for the environment and soil health.
  • Although the investment in mechanical equipment can be significant, the operational costs are lower than those of chemical methods, especially in the long term.
  • By combating weeds mechanically, it responds to the constantly changing regulations regarding weed control. The biological or mechanical nature of this processing method makes it compatible with future “new” regulations.

Our mechanical weed control solutions


Equipped with sensors, hoeing machines precisely distinguish between crops and weeds. They effectively remove weeds without damaging the crops, leading to better nutrient uptake and less waste of fertilizers. This environmentally friendly technique makes weed control simple and efficient.

Tine harrows

Tine harrows can be used from the early growth phase of crops for effective weed control, with a high capacity per hectare and lower investment costs. The Harrow HNG-V2 stands out for its simplicity, modular structure, and versatility for different soil types.

Weed mowers

he TOP CUT collect weed mower offers a smart mix of features: it cuts weed tops above the crops and collects the material with the weed seeds. This process contributes to a sustainable improvement of field hygiene by reducing the presence of weed seeds in the soil.

Robotic systems

The Ekobot robot system WEAI integrates advanced technologies in AI, robotics, and electric mobility with the traditional insights of conventional agricultural production. This leads to an autonomously working system that can not only take over existing mechanical weed control but also improve productivity and profitability.