Plant smarter by using SmartBULB, offering on-off section control and/or registration of counted numbers. SmartBULB requires a display which has ISOBUS & Task Controller (TC) ability for planting and rate control. For rate logging, SmartBULB is compatible with Cremer Tel-O-Scope counters.
Logging and controlling of the planting rate
SmartBULB easily connects to the tractor, using the ISOBUS socket and integrates into the GPS ISOBUS display used. The harness is prewired to connect to the Cremer Tel-O-Scope CAN connector to log and, optionally control, the planting rate. The standard harness comes with a relay output to turn the planter off on the headland and has an implement switch to stop logging when planter is off or lifted.
SmartBULB can also be combined with SmartSTEER implement steering to make the planting itself more accurate.